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Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy

Ensign College prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment, education, and all Ensign College-sponsored programs and activities. This prohibition applies to acts of unlawful discrimination by or against Ensign College employees, students, and campus visitors—including applicants for employment or admission—and it includes unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 and over), disability, genetic information, or veteran status (collectively the “Legally Protected Categories”).

Ensign College will not tolerate unlawful discrimination and will take appropriate corrective steps, up to and including termination or expulsion, to stop unlawful discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.

Ensign College will provide equal opportunity to all qualified employees and applicants for employment. This policy prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of any of the Legally Protected Categories in all employment practices, including

  • recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, upgrading, promoting, and transferring;
  • compensation and benefits;
  • conditions and privileges of employment; and
  • discipline, layoff, and termination.

As an educational institution sponsored by and affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“the Church”), the college gives a lawful preference in employment and admissions decisions to qualified, faithful members of the Church in good standing. In addition, employees and students must observe the Church Educational System Honor Code and all college policies. For example, employees must observe the Employee Conduct Policy and students must maintain an Ecclesiastical Endorsement .

Questions or complaints about unlawful discrimination at Ensign College may be directed as follows:

BasisContact Information for studentsContact information for employees
Race, Color, National or
Ethnic Origin, Religion, Age, Genetic Information, or Veteran Status
Dean of Student Affairs 801-524-1936 Adam.garland@ensign.eduDirector of Human Resources /Equal Opportunity Manager 801-542-1942
Sex (including pregnancy or related conditions, sex-based harassmentTitle IX Coordinator 801-524-8157 dbrooksby@ensign.eduTitle IX Coordinator 801-524-8157
Disability (including
accommodations of persons with disabilities)
Section 504 Coordinator for Students/Manager of Counseling 801-524-8128 Joshua.sillitoe@ensign.eduSection 504 Coordinator for Employees/Human Resources Director/Equal Opportunity Manager 801-542-1942
Ensign College - 95 N 300 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Retaliation Prohibited

The college also prohibits retaliation against any employee or student who engages in either of the following “Legally Protected Actions”: (a) opposing unlawful discrimination by communicating to the college through word or action a belief that unlawful discrimination is taking place or has taken place or (b) participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or litigation under state and federal discrimination laws. Any adverse action taken against an individual because he or she has engaged in any Legally Protected Actions constitutes unlawful retaliation if the adverse action is reasonably likely to deter the person or others from pursuing their rights. Retaliation will be considered a separate act of discrimination under this policy.

Adverse actions do not include petty slights and trivial annoyances, such as stray negative comments in an otherwise positive evaluation, “snubbing” by a colleague or fellow student, or negative comments or evaluations that are justified by an employee’s or a student’s poor performance.

This policy also prohibits college employees or students from encouraging others to retaliate and protects both the person who has engaged in any Legally Protected Actions and individuals closely associated with that person, such as a spouse or close relative. Retaliation is prohibited under this policy even if the original discrimination complaint is without merit; however, an individual opposing discrimination by communicating an allegation of unlawful discrimination to the college must act in reasonable good faith in order to be protected against retaliation.