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Public Expression Policy

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sponsors Ensign College to provide an education in an atmosphere that nurtures spiritual growth and a strong testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ. This atmosphere is preserved through commitment to conduct that reflects the ideals and principles of the Church. 

The College campus is not a public forum. However, as part of its intellectual climate, the College permits responsible public expression, events, and speakers. However, in order that such activities do not become disruptive of or in opposition to the purposes and uses of the College campus, all public expression events and speakers must be organized and approved in accordance with established policy. Thus, all speakers on campus must comply with the campus speakers policy and all speakers and activities of a partisan political nature must comply with the political neutrality policy. In addition, all individuals and groups that desire an open public expression such as rallies or gatherings with or without pre-selected speakers for the purpose of public expression, protest or demonstration on the campus must meet with a duly designated representative of the Student Life Office and complete a Request for Public Expression form. Necessary information includes the requested time and place, who will direct and attend the event, the purpose and planned content of the expression(s), and copies of all literature and other materials intended for display or distribution during the event. 

Approval of requests 

The request will be reviewed by the Student Life Office and the submitting party will be informed of approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval within five working days. Upon explanation of exigent circumstances, the Student Life Office may, at its sole discretion, shorten the time period for review. 

The Student Life Office will consider the following public expression standards in reviewing public expression requests: 

Content Standards 

The event or expressions may not contradict, be in opposition to or attack or deride the teachings, doctrine, authority, or practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or be in opposition to its general Church leaders. 

The event or expressions may not denigrate, defame, degrade or be discourteous to individual persons. 

The event or expressions must strictly adhere to the Honor Code and must not be dishonest, illegal, unchaste, profane or unduly disrespectful of others. 

Time, place, and manner standards

The event or expressions may not prevent or disrupt the effective carrying out of college functions or approved activities, such as classes, meetings, ceremonies, other public events, and the conduct of college business in college offices.  The event or expressions may not obstruct the legitimate movement of any person about the campus, movement in or access to the College building. 

The event or expressions may not be violent, a threat to individual or public safety or destructive of college or personal property. 

The requested time and place must be available, adequate, and appropriate for the type of event planned.  Only one event may be held in a specific location at one time. 

The event must conform to the size of the location in which it is placed. 

Once approval is granted, the event must occur in the time, place, and manner approved and in accordance with the public expression standards. If a request is denied, the reason(s) for disapproval will be in writing and available to the applicant. Disapproved requests may be resubmitted in amended form. Appeals from denials may be submitted to the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs and Advancement. 

Non-Ensign College organizations and speakers 

For organizations, participants and speakers not affiliated with Ensign College, access to activities for public expression is by formal, authorized invitation only (see Speakers at Ensign College Policy). Individuals or groups affiliated with the College and desiring to invite a non-Ensign College individual or organization to come on campus for public expression must meet with a representative of the Student Life Office and must complete a Request for Public Expression Non-Ensign College Speaker or Organization form. Necessary information includes the information requested in the Request for Public Expression form, the name and status of the sponsoring group or individual, and the speaker's or organization's general purpose, background and activities. 

The request for a non-Ensign College speaker or organization will be reviewed by the Student Life Office and the submitting party will be informed of approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval within five working days. Upon explanation of exigent circumstances, the Student Life Office may, at its sole discretion, shorten the time period for review. 

The Student Life Office will consider the public expression standards, plus the following standard in considering whether or not to extend an invitation: 

The general purposes and past activities of the proposed invited organization, participant, or speaker may not be contrary or in opposition to the teachings, doctrine, authority, or practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or in opposition to general Church leaders. 

Once approval is granted, the organization, participant or speaker must be formally invited and the event must occur in the time, place, and manner approved, and in accordance with the public  expression standards and, for speakers, the Speakers at Ensign College Policy. If a request is denied, the reason(s) for disapproval will be in writing and available to the applicant. Disapproved requests may be resubmitted in amended form. Appeals from denials may be submitted to the Student Life Office. 


Approved events and speakers may be monitored for compliance by Church Security. Any video tapes made of the event, participants, or speaker will only be used for law and public expression standards enforcement purposes. If the public expression standards are violated, the event may be terminated by the College and the College may take appropriate and lawful action. Students or faculty violating the Ensign College Honor Code may be disciplined according to the Honor Code. Persons violating state law or local ordinances may be subject to arrest or prosecution.