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Student Academic Grievance Policy and Procedures

There may be an occasion when a student may feel his or her work has been evaluated unfairly or inadequately by an instructor. In this situation, the resolution is best accomplished when the student first pursues the matter formally and directly with the course instructor involved.

Ensign College courses:

  1. The Instructor.
    1. The student must initiate the grievance with the instructor within 30 calendar days from the last day of the semester in which the alleged unfair or inadequate evaluation took place.  If the student brings the grievance to the attention of the instructor and it is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, or if the student feels strongly the instructor will not deal with grievance fairly, or if the instructor is no longer at the College, the student can choose to take the matter to the Program Chair.
      If the student does not communicate with the instructor, within 30 days, the grievance process cannot advance. At this point, the student has lost their right to appeal any further.
  2. Program Chair.
    1. The student would need to then submit in writing their grievance to the Program Chair no later than 30 calendar days from the last day of the semester in which the alleged unfairness or inadequate evaluation took place.  The Program Chair will consider the grievance, review the matter with the instructor and the student, and notify the student and the instructor of the decision in writing within 30 calendar days after the original grievance was submitted.  The Program Chair will also communicate the decision to the Dean of Applied Sciences or the Dean of General Education.
      It is the student’s responsibility to show compelling evidence of the grievance.  The student should be prepared to show academic work, grading rubrics, instructor comments or any other artifacts that strengthen their case. Coming unprepared to a grievance meeting will most likely result in a delay in the process.
  3. Dean of Applied Sciences or Dean of General Education & Review Committee.
    1. In the event the student is dissatisfied with the decision by the Program Chair, the student can make an appeal to the Dean of Applied Sciences for program-specific classes or the Dean of General Education for general education classes.  The appeal should be submitted in writing no later than 30 calendar days after the date of the Program Chair’s letter of decision.  The written appeal should include documentation and details of the grievance.  The instructor and the Program Chair will also be asked to submit individual written statements on the grievance submitted.

The Dean will work with a review committee that includes the Director of Curriculum and other Ensign College ad hoc members as deemed necessary to review the appeal. The total number of committee members will be an odd number for voting purposes. They will also interview the instructor and the student. The decision of the committee (its majority vote) will be made within 30 calendar days after the appeal is submitted and will be final and not subject to an appeal. The student and the instructor will be notified in writing within 10 calendar days of the committee decision.

Honor Code Grievance

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