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Ecclesiastical Conditions of Employment and College Standards Procedures

The following procedures describe the verification processes of the ecclesiastical conditions of employment and college standards set forth in the Ecclesiastical Conditions of Employment and College Standards Policy (Policy).

Pre-Hire Ecclesiastical Clearance and College Standards Compliance Verification

Applicants are informed of and agree to the expectations and conditions of employment identified in the Policy by completing and submitting the college’s job application form. Current employees in nonstudent positions for which there is no expectation of continuing employment—such as adjunct instructors—who desire to be considered for further employment in those positions are informed of and agree to the expectations and conditions of employment applicable to new hires by having access to the Policy at and currently on the intranet.

Applicants who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Church of Jesus Christ) meet with the responsible dean or director to verify that, if hired, they will abide by the expectations and conditions that apply to them, as described in the Policy. The dean or director completes a form documenting the candidate’s agreement to comply with these college standards and sends the form to Human Resources. Prior to hire all job candidates must sign a form acknowledging their understanding of these standards and agreement to comply and send the form to Human Resources.

Continuing Employee Ecclesiastical Conditions of Employment and College Standards Compliance

The Ecclesiastical Clearance Office (ECO) handles the ecclesiastical clearance process, including all contact with ecclesiastical leaders, for employees who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ. The college does not contact ecclesiastical leaders.

The dean or director interviews employees who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ regarding their compliance with college standards and notifies Human Resources of the employees’ compliance.

Failure to Meet Ecclesiastical Conditions of Employment or College Standards Requirements

If an employee fails to meet the applicable ecclesiastical conditions of employment or college standards requirements, the employee is given notice and informed that his or her employment is subject to termination or that the current contract will not be renewed upon expiration unless a temporary probation period is allowed or a temporary exception is granted as described below.

Temporary Probation

If the ECO notifies the college that an employee who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ is not cleared ecclesiastically to continue employment at the college but may be able to receive a clearance within three months and is therefore eligible for a temporary probation period, Human Resources notifies the employee and invites them to meet the applicable ecclesiastical condition of employment and confirm that directly with their ecclesiastical leaders in order to continue employment at the college. The ECO coordinates directly with ecclesiastical leaders on temporary probation periods for employees and notifies the college of any ecclesiastical clearance received within the temporary probation period. The ECO indicates to the college only whether employees are cleared or not cleared ecclesiastically for continuing employment by the college

If an employee who is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ is allowed a temporary probation period by the responsible member of President’s Executive Council, the employee’s dean or director must verify college standards compliance within the temporary probation period for the employee to continue employment at the college.

Petition for Temporary Exception

Temporary exceptions are rare and granted only under unusual circumstances. An employee seeking a temporary exception to the employee’s termination for not meeting applicable ecclesiastical conditions of employment or college standards requirements must submit a completed Petition for Temporary Exception form within 30 calendar days of receiving written notice of termination from the college. During the 30-calendar-day window, and while the college is considering the employee’s petition, the employee may be placed on paid administrative leave, and other restrictions may be applied as deemed appropriate by the college.

An employee may submit a temporary exception petition to the responsible vice president or assistant to the president. The vice president or assistant to the president reviews the petition and may interview the employee, who may further explain the circumstances that might demonstrate a compelling reason for a temporary exception. The reviewer does not speak to the employee’s present or former ecclesiastical leaders.

After reviewing the employee’s petition, the reviewer can make a recommendation to the president of the college, who has the sole authority to grant temporary exceptions. If the president denies the petition, the employee’s employment will be terminated. Any appeal, grievance, or application for administrative review must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the employee receiving written notice of termination.